Wednesday, May 9, 2007

hazy shade of spring

Creating a blog through Blogger was very nice and simple. They don't lie about the Three Steps.

I think blogs are a great way to get information out to patrons and at the same time give them an easy avenue to offer feedback and input through comments.

I was talking with someone a few weeks ago who had just flown down from D.C. on Southwestern and she was telling me that some animals from Sea World were on her flight. They were in the first 7 or 8 rows of the passenger area and inside special cages that fit into the seats. She said that during the flight, the Sea World folk got on the PA system and told everyone about the animals. (The penguin was sedated.) Southwestern does seem to be doing things a bit differently.

Forgot to add that one of my favorite blogs to check in on is tales from the liberry. quite a humorous take on life in a rural library. I prefer to catch up with it through its RSS feed.


Averted said...

Man, penguins can't even afford first class now? This economic climate is rough.

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Welcome to the course IO!

Chris makes a great point! I am sure that global warming is affecting the Penguins economic situation. Did they even make the playoffs this year? I am sure if they had, they would have been in first class.

turbidity said...

I am filled with glee that you are listing quotes on your blog. I need to know about the super model in a pancake house quote. I need it!

J said...

I heard that the penguins were kicked out of first class and sedated because they party way too loudly. I can't believe you used that freaky crab picture. Ok, ok, if I can just not look at it...

I love reading Tales from the Liberry as well. He comes up with such interesting names for people. I wonder what will happen with Ms. S next.

turbidity said...

For afficianados of the Yeti Crab, check out It's the Encyclopedia of Life, and it's goal is to have a webpage for every species on earth. The whole project will take 10 years, give or take, but you can see some sample pages right now, and one of them is the Yeti Crab! Definitely one for Netlinks once it gets underway.

cassie said...

Wow, it really is called the Yeti Crab. I just thought that was a name we made up for it. ('Cause of its monkey arms.)